NS Records in Shared Web Hosting
In the event you register a domain name within a shared web hosting account from our company, you'll be able to take care of its name servers with ease. This is accomplished via the Registered Domains section of the in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and with a few clicks you are going to be able to update the NS records of a single one or even a number of domains simultaneously, which can save you a lot of time and efforts when you have a large number of domain names you want to point to a different service provider. You can enter a number of name servers depending on how many the other provider gives you. Additionally we permit you to create private name servers for each and every domain name registered through our company and in contrast to many other providers we do not charge anything extra for this service. The newly created NS records can be used to direct any other domain name to the hosting platform of the company whose IP addresses you have used during the process, so each time you use our IPs for instance, all domains included in the account on our end can use these name servers.