Each time you upload a file on a web hosting server, it will take an amount of space on the hard disk dependent on its particular overall size. When you manage a script-driven internet site which saves its info in a database, it will need more space, the more people work with it. For example, in the event that you have a discussion board, the greater number of responses people write, the bigger the database shall get. Email messages, especially ones which have attachments, also require some disk space in the site hosting account. The hard disk space quota you will get with any shared web hosting supplier is the full amount of information you could have at any moment, and it features website files, emails as well as databases. Similarly, a home PC has a hdd and the computer programs installed on it along with all docs or music files that you make or download take some disk space, which can't exceed the full capacity of the hard drive.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

In order to suit the processing potential behind all our cloud web hosting packages, we have thought over and integrated the perfect option regarding the disk space - your hosting account will not be created using one server, but on a cluster system. Due to this fact, what we've made is a whole group of servers that is centered on the file storage only, therefore you should never worry about running out of hard disk space and having to switch to another server as your existing one simply cannot accommodate more information. Any time more space is necessary, all we need to do is attach more machines to the cluster, so that the hard disk space is virtually inexhaustible. Needless to say, our shared web hosting plans were made to be used for websites, not for a collection of big files. We also have distinct machines for all of the databases and the e-mails.